Sunday, February 26, 2012

And I Would Like To Thank The Academy

As we speak I am watching the Academy AWARDS!!!!!! :D One of THEEEE BIGGEST fashion days ever!!!!! :)
When I was just a little tot, I dreamed about being on the Red Carpet (as an actress) I even had my speech planned out and I knew what I would say, and everything!!! :D Haha, those dreams have since been replaced.
Now I care more about who people are wearing, rather than if they take home an Oscar. :) I will make sure to post my favorite dresses of the night!!
Anyway, I have some predictions about who may be winning, so let's see if I'm right! :)

Best Picture:
Who I want: Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
Who I think: The Help

Actor (leading role)
Who I want: George Clooney
Who I think: George Clooney

Actress (leading role)
Who I want: Viloia Davis
Who I think: Meryl Streep

Supporting Actress:
Who I want: Octavia Spencer
Who I think: Octavia Spencer

Sporting Actor:
Who I want:Max von Sydow
Who I think: Kenneth Branagah

Those are my main ones that I will be watching for!! :)

Friday, February 24, 2012

Dancing With Tears in My Eyes

Normally I don't post more than one video a day...but I made a mistake, I let one of my best friends go, and he knows who he is...on the off chance that he sees this, I want you to know that I am sorry...


Love At First Sight?

**Haha thank you Marie! :D*** 

Do you believe in love at first sight? 
Or should I walk by one more time

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Will Always Heal..

A broken heart will always heal, but it will have some cracks under the surface

Life's Journey

Life's Journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well persevered body
But rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out saying: 
"D@mn!! What a ride!"

It's Really Sad

It's really sad that the average person needs a motivational speech, with a pretty picture in the background,  just to get up and decide to do something with their life

I Wish...

I wish I was your favorite girl, I wish you thought I was the reason you were in the world.
I wish my smile was your favorite kind of smile, 
I wish you could never figure me out,
But always wanted to know what I was about...
I wish you'd hold my hand when I get upset, 
I wish you'd never forget the look on my face when we first met
I wish you loved me,
I wish you needed me,
I wish with out me, you would be spending the rest of your nights awake...
I wish you didn't let me leave...
I wish you didn't lie.
I wish things were different. 
I wish that you missed me, 
Cuz Lord knows I miss you more than anything </3

Hurt You

Everyone will hurt you sooner or later, 
You have to decide who is worth the pain

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Saddest Part is I Wish I Could Believe You

A Little Bit Stronger

Valentines Day!

Well, today is Valentine's Day. Pretty lonely if you ask me!
Today the CU-TEST thing happend in homerom! A boy in my grade gave a girl a rose, a card, and asked her out! :O I thought I was going to die, that's how cute it was! :) I'm so happy for you two <3
Anyway, tonight we have band solos!!! D: I am NOT looking forward to that. I practice, and practice, but it still sounds awful. I play at 7:40pm, wish me luck! :)
Anyway, I hope everyone has a FANTASTIC Valentine's Day (even if I'm alone) :)
Love you all,
Ellie Anne
PS. Bowling again today! :) Gunna play quarters!

More Picniks! :D

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Even The Best Fall

Even the best fall down sometimes...Even the wrong words seem to rhyme....

To My Haters:

I Keep It Real And That's A Promise. 
I May Be Whatever You Wanna Call Me, But I'm Honest. 
When I Walk By, You Stop And Stare.
Well, Keep Looking 'Cause I Don't Care. 
I Have My Own Life And Style, 
Not Trying To Please you 
Or make you Smile. 
When It Comes To Competition, You're Out. 
So, Shut You Hatin' Self 
And Keep Me Out Of Your
Before you start pointing fingers, make sure your own hands are clean

People Weren't Always There

People weren't always there for me...But music always was

Love The Way You Lie

Saturday, February 11, 2012

One Day...

One day, we'll look back at this, laugh nervously, and then change the subject.

My Last Chance

Dear Doctor…
I never fell down the rabbit hole and made it to Wonderland.

Peter never came to my window searching for his shadow.

I didn’t receive my invitation to Hogwarts on my eleventh birthday.

And my closet isn’t a portal to Narnia, just a complete mess.

You may be may last hope for a great adventure.

I want to travel  into the stars.

Do you think I could run away with you into all of space and time?


A Girl Who Dreams

Seeing People Change

Seeing people change doesn't hurt...It's remembering what they used to be that does</3

A True Boyfriend..

A True Boyfriend:
When she walks away from you mad: Follow her
When she stares at your mouth: Kiss her
When she pushes you or hits you: Grab her and don't let go
When she starts yelling at you: Kiss her and tell her you love her
When she's quiet: Ask her what’s wrong
When she ignores you: Give her your attention
When she pulls's away: Pull her back
When you see her at her worst: Tell her she's beautiful
When you see her start crying: Just hold her and don't say a word
When you see her walking: Sneak up and hug her waist from behind
When she's scared: Protect her
When she lays her head on your shoulder: Tilt her head up and kiss her
When she steals's your favorite hat: Let her keep it and sleep with it for a night
When she teases you: Tease her back and make her laugh
When she doesn’t answer for a long time: reassure her that everything is okay
When she looks at you with doubt: Back yourself up
When she says that she likes you: she really does more than you could understand
When she grabs at your hands: Hold hers and play with her fingers
When she bumps into you: bump into her back and make her laugh
When she tells you a secret: keep it safe and untold
When she looks at you in your eyes: don’t look away until she does
When she misses you: she's hurting inside
When you break her heart: the pain never really goes away
When she says its over: she still wants you to be yours

Stay on the phone with her even if she’s not saying anything.
If she breaks something sign the cast a million times
When she's mad hug her tight and don't let go
When she says she's ok don’t believe it, talk with her
Call her at 12:00am on her birthday to tell her you love her
Call her before you sleep and after you wake up
Treat her like she's all that matters to you.
Tease her and let her tease you back.
Stay up all night with her when she's sick.
Watch her favorite movie with her or her favorite show even if you think its stupid.
Give her the world.
Let her wear your clothes.
When she's bored or sad, hang out with her.
Let her know she's important.
Kiss her in the pouring rain.
When she runs up at you crying, the first thing you say is; "Who's a$$ am I kicking?"

Friday, February 10, 2012

I Can't Wait For The Day

I can't wait for the day that I can look at you, and feel nothing

The Best Revenge

The best revenge you can give anyone is moving on...Don't give them the satisfaction of watching you suffer

When You're Gone

They won't miss you when you're gone..They will miss you once you have moved on...

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Someday someone will walk into your life, and you will suddenly realize why it never worked out with anyone else..


Valentine's Day is so fake...If you really love a girl treat her special 364 days a year, not just one...

**Ok, so maybe not all the way true, I love Valentine's Day***

Being Single Awareness Day

Valentine's Day= Being Single Awareness Day

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

No Measure of Time

No measure of time with you will be long enough, but we'll start with forever.

A Life With Love

A life with love will always have some thorns, but a life with no love, will never have any roses

You Don't Love a Perfect Person

You don't come to love a perfect person. You learn to love an imperfect person perfectly <3

When You Smile

When you smile, you get my undivided attention,
When you laugh, I have to laugh with you. 
When you you cry, I have to hold you. 
When you said 'I love you," 
You got my heart forever...

All You Need Is Love

All you need is love. But a little chocolate now, and then won't hurt either

Roses Are Red

Roses are Red,
Violets are blue, 
Love never crossed my mind, 
Til the day I met you<3

Live To Be 100

If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day s only 7 days away! :D But sadly, I will be spending another Valentine's Day alone :( 
I'm determinded not to let that small incovenience ruin my holiday, so in honnor of Valentine's Day, I'll post a bunch of quotes all about love, and friendship, perfect to put on a card! :) <3
Love you all, 
Ellie Anne

Monday, February 6, 2012

I Have Five Fingers For a Reason

I have five fingers for a reason
Thumb-to show the world that I'm gunna be ok
Pointer- to point out who I love <3
Middle-for those people who push me too far
Ring finger- for that special guy when the time is right
Pinky- for my best friends and the promises I'll never break

Bowling...Again! :D

Well, today is Monday, and I am sitting in class, doing nothing! :D 
We get to go bowling again, and I am happy to say that my first wheel (inside joke) joined our group, so we had enough to bowl! Yay! Thanks Lindsey! I'm bringing my laptop this time, so I will make sure to take a lot of pictures! Last time out of eight frames, I bowled an 18!!!! That's my lucky number! :) Oh well, I will try to do better this time!
I will write more later! 
Ellie Anne

Saturday, February 4, 2012

A Brave Man

A brave man will admit he's wrong,
A prideful man will point out when he's right.
A dead man will tell a women she's wrong

Want To Hear a Joke?

Want to hear a joke about my broken pencil??? 
Never mind, it's pointless...

Scary Movies

I love how in scary movies someone will call out "HELLO! WHO'S THERE?!?" Ya, like the bad guy is gunna say, "It's me! I'm in the kitchen! You want a sandwich?"

Grammer is IMPORTANT

Grammer is important. For instance, a comma can save a life....
Let's eat Grandpa! OR Let's eat, Grandpa

I Really Like Ceilings

I really like ceilings...I guess you could call me a ceiling fan! :)

Being Single Doesn't Mean

Being single doesn't always mean you are available...Sometimes you just have to put a sign on your heart that says: "Do not disturb"

Being Popular On Facebook

Being popular on Facebook is like sitting at the 'cool kid' table at a mental hospital! xD

Being Popular On Facebook

Being popular on Facebook is like sitting at the 'cool kid' table at a mental hospital! xD

It Still Hurts

It still hurts that you are doing completely fine with out me....

I Always Knew

I always knew looking back on our tears, I would laugh. 
But I never thought looking back at all the laughs would make me cry....

Moving On Is Simple

Moving on is simple, it's what you leave behind that's hard

We Expect More From Others

Sometimes we expect more from others because we would be willing to do that much for them </3

I'm A Girl

I'm a girl who doesn't drink, smoke, or party every weekend. I don't sleep all day, or start drama for attention. Yes, people like me still do exist

People Born In....

I found this, and I thought it was pretty cool
People born in: 
~January, are bold and alret
~February, are lucky
~March, are naughty, and smart
~April, are caring, and strong
~May, are loving
~June, are romantic and curious
~July, are adventurous and honest
~August are active, and hard working
~September, are sensitive
~October, are friendly, and stylish
~November, are nice and creative
~December, are confident

Enjoy The Little Things

Enjoy the little things in life,
One day you'll look back, 
And Realize they were big things

When Nothing Goes Right

When nothing goes right, 
Go left

I Was Busy

I was busy trying to get myself into his view. I changed my hair color, my clothes were only brandnames like Hollister, and all of my talk was covered with swearing. That's when my best friend turned to me and said, "It's funny. I really miss you, but I see you everyday."

Much More Than She Seems

A girl is much more than she seems,
She's not a toy by any means!
Behind all the make-up and hair,  
There's a sign that says:
"Handle with care"

Friday, February 3, 2012

i'm Going To Smile

You're Gunna Miss This

Here is a picture of us at one of our volleyball games! The lockers were HUGE!!! :D

Today Was a Good Day:)

Well, today was probably the best day in a while! :D
Here is a list of all the things that made today so fabulous! 
1. Got a good grade on my math assignment!! Yay!!!
2. I didn't have to ride the bus home
3. Didn't have any homework
4. Mommy brought home The Walton's!!!! :D I'll explain later!
5. Last but most certainly not least, all the drama is OVER. And I think I finally have all my friends back! I love you all to death, and with out you, I would be lost!
Now! To the Waltons! My momma works at a pre-school, so when they aren't using some of their toys, we get to use them!!! :D My sister and I's favorite is......THE WALTON'S
The Walton's are a family of dolls, that all live in one house. There are 4 generations! So yes, it is like a "Modern Family"!!!! We have so much fun with them! :) They just brighten my whole day! I found a whole bunch of pictures, that I <3 , so I thought I would put them up! Enjoy!
Liv, and Me

My friends Lesley, Marie, and I

This was my cabin family from camp! Anna, Cassie, Shaunee, Dayshia, Liberty, Meritdeth, Kara! Who could forget Theo the cat???

~~Ellie Anne
P.S. Most of these pictures are from the beginning of the year :) We don't all look the same now! :)

You Know She's a Keeper

You know who your best friend is when the whole school is talking your ugly outfit, and she's talking about the price of salami in China

What's The Plan

A good friend knows when you are planning something and tries to talk you out of it. A best friend is the first one there to slap your hand and say “What’s the plan?”

Best Friends :)

A best friend will drive you home in the middle of the night, even though they'll be scared out of their minds to drive back alone

Notebook Quote

Thursday, February 2, 2012

It's Sad

its sad when people you know become people you knew. 

When you can walk right past someone like they were never a big part of your life.                                                                                      how you used to be able to talk for hours and how now, you can barely look at them in the eye. 

Friends By Chance

Friends by chance,
Sisters by soul,
Quiet and shy?
Try out of control

Two Best Friends

Two best friends who walked separate ways, will always make a "wrong" turn and end up on the same path again... if they were really meant to be together

Destroy it

You can't build real friendship in a day, but you can destroy it in a minute

You'll Need Me To Complete Your Picture

Friends are like sketch pens they color your lives.
I may not be your favorite color, but you will need me some day to complete your PICTURE

A Shoulder To Cry On

A shoulder to cry on, an ear to bend, money to borrow, clothes to lend, Friday night hangouts, afternoon walks, 2am phone calls, hilarious girl talks, memories together will never end, always and forever my best friends

What You've Lost

If you focus too much on who you have lost. You'll push away everyone that's left.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Jump By: Sabrina Vaz

You've been around for
All my life lived
down the block since we were 5
And I never thought, we would
of start this magic what should
we what should we do...

Trust Gets You Killed

Trust gets you killed, love gets you hurt, and being real gets you hated

I'm a Human Being

I'm a human being, I cry, I'm actually really senseitive, my feelings get hurt. I get scared, and nervous, like everyone

A Smile

A smile can mean a thousand can also hide a thousand problems you don't want to show...


The best way to stand out is to stop trying to fit in. I'd rather be square than have a circle full of fake friends

I just dropped my Laptop

I just dropped my laptop in the ocean...It's a Dell, rolling in the deep! xD

Cancel My Twitter

I decided to cancel my twitter account...Call me paranoid, but I think people started to follow me!

Missing Phone

I hate that mini heart attack you get when you put your hand in your pocket, and realize your phone is missing! :O

Being Single

Being single doesn't mean you're alone. There may be someone behind you, that you can't see. Who is watching your back, and willing to catch you the moment you fall.

Don't Change Who You Are

Don't change who you are, eventually, you will run out of new things to be

Boys Who Say:

Boys who say "I hate Justin Bieber' are those ones who can't master his hair flip, no matter how hard they practice

February 1st!

Okie dokies! Today is FEBRUARY FIRST! Do you know what that means????? Only thirteen days until Valentine's day! :O
Anyway, more drama today! Ugh! Getting tired of it!
Oh yea, Jenesen! If you are seeing this, "Will you smell this?"
Talk to you all later!
~Ellie Anne