Sunday, April 22, 2012

For All The Guy Readers

This is for all the boy readers who may be looking at this blog. I want you to read these carefully, maybe, if you do, you will learn something. 

5 Tips On How To Talk To A Girl:
By: Ellie Anne 
1. Be Polite 
2. Treat us with respect. Girls ARE NOT objects. We ARE NOT your friends. If we wanted to hear ecliptic swearing, we would watch Jersey Shore
3. Stay away from the words, sexy, babe, Call of Duty, boobs, and a$$...I think you get my point
4.  Be classy. We like to feel special. Sometimes even a cheesy pick-up line will win us over. Do anything to make us feel one of a kind. ;)
5. Be yourself:) We don't want to find out that the sweet boy we met at a basketball game is actually some player who could care less about you

I hope you all learned something! ;)


  1. basketball game.. player.. cough cough, ik what u mean.. :/

  2. Lol. the call of duty one totally made me laugh:) #sotrue..
