Friday, August 31, 2012

Carry ON Covo

I hate when people try to carry a conversation on after not responding for hours....Girl, the feeling is gone 

Number Of Followers

The number of "Followers" doesn't define who you are. Remember: Hitler had 1000s and Jesus had 12 

Be His Girl

I want to be the girl that makes his bad days better 

Biggest Mistake

Loving him wasn't a mistake, believing he loved me back was..

Be Honest

So baby, be honest, is this what you wanted?

Not Knowing

Waiting hurts. Forgetting Hurts. 
But not knowing what to do is the worst kind of suffering 


I don't want to be everything to everyone...I just want to be something to someone 


P.S I never told you...But I was falling in love 

Who Deserve

The people who deserve nothing are handed everything

Thursday, August 30, 2012

December 21

On December 21, 2012, I want to get a text that says: "If the world ends today, I want you to know I love you!"

Look Back

One day you'll look back and think about what we had...Then you wonder why you let it all slip away 

Call A Man

What do you call a man with no nose? 

Answer: Nobody nose 

A Expert

I am an expert at falling in love with people who don't know I exists. 
# Thinkboutyouconstantly 

Phone With Out Service

A relationship with no trust is like a phone with no service. And what do we do when you don't have service on your phone? Play games 

Didn't Love

It's not that we didn't love each other...Its just that love wasn't enough

Friends Taught Me

Three things my best friend: 
~Texting with out looking
~Sleeping with out getting caught 
~And teamwork on tests 

So Poor

Some people are so poor that all they have is money 

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

As I Love

I don't think that I will ever love anything more than I love music..

Only One

Look at me like I am the only one you see....please?

Thinks I'm Petting

My dog thinks I'm just patting her stomach, but in reality, she is the experiencing  in the most epic drum solo ever

That Guy

You're that guy that no matter how long we are apart, I'll always have a thing for you 

To Past Lovers

If two past loves can still remain friends, either they were never really in love, or they still are

Middle Finger

Dear Middle Finger, 
Thanks for sticking up for me


Some people call me kitty, Just remember kitty's have claws too;)

Don't Blame You

I don't blame you for leaving me fore her...
She's better looking, 
She's funnier,
She popular, 
She doesn't have the insecurities I do, 
It's ok..I wouldn't want me either...

Be The Same

I love you, but I'm not in love, 
I like you, but somedays I've had enough
I used to say forever...But feelings change
Even when I lie to myself, I know things will never be the same 

The Fear

The fear of not being good enough 

More Boys I Meet

The more and more boys I meet the more I realize he is the only one I want 

I Wonder

I wonder if you ever stop and think, "Man...I miss her..."

Biggest Mistake

A guy's biggest mistake is letting another boy give the opportunity to make his girl smile 

Good Boys

Good boys are like unicorns...Everyone talks about them, but no one has actually seen one

I'm Sorry

I'm sorry I'm so difficult, and that I never know what I want. I know I drive you crazy, you have every right to leave...But please don't you're all I have 

Touches My Phone

That moment when someone touches my phone and I go all ninja on them 

I Cry

Sometimes I cry just so I can hear you tell me it ill be okay<3

Come With Dice

Baby, I don't come with dice, so don't play me 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Dear Future Girl Friends,

Dear Future Girlfriends,
Treat him okay. 
He acts tough around his friends, but it's just an act. 
Laugh at his jokes, even if they aren't funny. He's just trying to make you smile, honey.
He'd never tell you, but to see you happy, makes him happy. 
Never be the first person to let go of his hug, trust me, 
when he's gone, you're going to miss them. 
He can be a jerk. 
He doesn't tell you how he feels. It's not easy for him to do. 
So he'll just stop talking about it. 
Don't be mad when he doesn't respond. 
And finally realize a great guy when you've got them. 
Because trust me, he's one of the best.
The Ex who can't let go...

Just In Case...

Just in case no one told you today...You are beautiful:)
Ellie Anne 


There are reasons that we don't want to talk about certain things. One, when it means nothing. And two when it means everything 

Little Sad

Maybe I am a little sad...Sometimes its too hard to smile, and other days, there is just nothing to smile about. What do you do when he has moved on and you can't? I'm stuck. I don't know what to do. and do you know what? I don't think I'll ever completely move on. Sometimes it is just easier to pretend your not hurt. Ignore your pain. But in that process, I ignore everyone else. Because there is a little bit of you in everything I see....Ok...maybe I am a little more than sad..


Someday, this moment will just be another story.....


I left because you never asked me to stay...</3

One Secret

Everyone has at least one secret that would break your heart

Chose You

Boy: Goodbye. 
Girl: Why....?
Boy: I found someone better.
Girl: Yeah, I found someone better too, I just closed my eyes and chose you

I Admit

I admit it...I really miss how things used to be...But I can also admit that I have accepted that things have changed...

I'm Sorry

I'm sorry I was not good enough for you...I really tried...


There never was anyone else. I only wanted you.

Look In The Mirror

Go look in the mirror. Did it break? No, because you're beautiful. Go stand on the scale. Did it say error? No, because you're skinny. Look in your phone, are you alone? No, because you have me...

Welcome To The City

Welcome to the city where everyone wants to be someone else...

Monday, August 27, 2012

Box Of Memories

I found a box of memoreis...I found a letter you wrote to me, I smiled and let a tear fall right where you signed your name...then I put your picture away

Text Back

Oh, so you take 20 minuets to text me back? That's cool, I'll take 30

Take The Weight

He puts the biggest burdens on those who can take the weight 

Won't Come Back

She'll cry, and get over it, she'll hate you, then love you again.One day she'll leave, and she won't come back....

I'm Calling Your Parents

Teacher: That's it! I'm calling your parents!
Student Age 12: Whatever. 
Student Age 14: Tell them I say Heeeyyyyyyyyy:)



Sunday, August 26, 2012

Second Chances

Sometimes second chances don't always mean a happy ending. Sometimes its just a chance to end things right.

Question 8

Question 8.
What is your biggest wish?

Answer-To be someone's first choice..

Mine too

As much as I say:
"Its his loss!"
But deep down,
I know its mine too...

True Love

You know you really love him when you don't have a twitter, but you stalk his anyway:) #YoumakemeCRAZIER!!!

Haha. My life is great.

Having unlimited texting, and no one to text -_-

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Lead Her On

So lead her on, let her down, because you 'care' about her... She's just a girl, right?

Little Pieces

Isn't it crazy how someone can break your heart and you still love them with all the little pieces....

He Tells You

Everything he tells you, he told me first...So stop acting like your someone special...


He's so confusing...The things he says makes me believe that he really does like me..& then he says some other things that make me feel like I am just another girl who never crosses his mind...

Not Perfect

I'm not perfect, I'll annoy you, tick you off, say stupid things, then take them all back. But put that all aside, and you will never find a girl who loves, and cares more than me<3

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Yes I'm Jealous of Her

Why? Becasue you like her. Who wouldn't? She's gorgeous. I'm not as pretty as her. I'm not close to you like I was. I feel like she replaced me in your life. Well you know what? I am jealous of her. You chose her over me, and that is why I hate her. least you're happy now..Right?

Bit Your Lip

When you bite your lip and smile, when you hear your song on the radio

All Around

And my friends are all trying to calm me down, 
I'm still shouting your name all over town,
I'm swearing that if I go there now, 
I can change your mind, 
And turn it all around


No one sits with him, 
He doesn't fit in...
But you make him feel like you do, 
When you make fun of him.
Do you want to belong? 
Do you go along? 
Cuz his pain is the price paid for you to belong...
Heros are made when you make a choice....

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Life is a beautiful struggle...

Wake Up

I'm just scared that one morning you'll wake up and say, "I can do so much better"

Doesn't Look Good

Baby the color, b*tch doesn't look good on anyone

Dear Sidewalk

Dear Sidewalk, 
Please get wider...
Tired of being left in the dust

Every Morning

Every morning is the chance to forget the pains of yesterday, and see the change in the new day. To dance, and laugh again, to make up for the wrong things you have done.


Faith makes everything possible...Not easy

Are you done?

Honey, if you don't make an effort to talk to me, that's cool, we don't talk. Your choice. Not mine. I tried. You didn't. I'm done trying. Are you?

Come Back

And I say, Come back, come back, come back to me,
Like you would before you said "It's just not that easy"
Before the fight, before I locked you out,
But I'd take it all back now,
Cuz I"ve been waiting for you ever since you've been gone...

No Texts?

No texts...I understand...No calls? I understand...But when you see me with someone else, please try to understand...

Died For Me

Jesus died for me...the least I can do is live for him<3


No makeup in the world can cover up an ugly heart....

You Find Your Real Friends...

You know who your real friends are when you can literally do nothing, and anything together....Like for intstance, you sit in art and plan a pot luck. Orrrr You plan a rejection party:) My girls know who they are, go ahead, and feel jealous if you have no idea what I'm talking about:) 
So this is to those rejects, the ones who know who I am, the ones who sat with me in art, and who talk to me even though we're not cool;) The ones who walked by eachother when no one else would....But most importantly, we made eachother feel like we were finally someone special, we were finally worth it. This is to you:
I love you ladies:)<3 
Forever and Freaking Always

Monday, August 20, 2012


It hurts to see him right now...Because over the summer, he found his happiness..just not with me

First Kiss

It's not considered a first kiss if you didn't feel anything...


Some people are like summer...No Class! 


Doing your chores like a ninja as your parents pull in the drive...


A Guy and A Girl

A guy and a girl can be just friends, but at one point or another, they will fall for each other...Maybe temporarily, maybe at the wrong time, maybe too late, or maybe forever.

Still alive

I'm still alive...but with you, I am barely breathing...

Lolsotruemoment #1234

When you give your friend that ‘he’s mine back’ look when a hot guys walks past you


There is a little bit of you in everything that I see...

Not Fair

I will never tell you that I love you...It wouldn't be fair to either of us...

Doing the Dishes

My mom said, "Guess who's doing the dishes tonight?" Then I hit the Soulja Boy, and I say, "Yoooooooouuuuu"

White Crayon

I wish I was a white crayon, so no one would use me....

Slamming Your Locker

Slamming your locker so everyone in the hall knows your pissed off, and you mean serious sh*t

Mouth Full

Don't talk with your mouth full of lies</3

Always a Girl

There’s always going to be a girl prettier than you..You have to find the boy who doesn’t care

Reading this

If you are reading this, Congratulations, you're alive. If that isn't something to smile about, then I don't know what else is

Crowded Room

Have you ever been alone in a crowded room? Worst. Feeling. Ever.

Thanks To Those....

Thanks to those who hated me. You made me stronger. Thanks to those who loved me. You taught me who really matters. Thanks to those who cared, you made me feel important. Thanks to those who entered into my life, you made me who I am today. Thanks to those who left, you showed me that nothing lasts forever. Thanks to those who stayed, you showed me true friendship. Thanks to those who listened, you made me feel like I was worth it<3

Head Up

I keep my head up, and smile, because baby, I know you want to see me fall

Been Called Worse

Boy: You're such a b*tch
Girl: Eh, I've been called worse.
Boy: Oh yeah? Like what?
Girl: Your girlfriend

Friday, August 17, 2012

Old Friend

Talking to an old friend and realizing how much your life has changed..

Just Sad

Telling people you're tired when really our just sad...

Appreciate Everything

I have learned to appreciate what you have until you have to appreciate what you HAD...

Reason I'm Gone

Don't miss me when you're the reason I'm gone..


I smile a lot these days. And eveyone knows its because of you..everyone except you...


I don't want a relarionship where people say, "They are so cute together!" i want one where they say, "Look at how happy they are together.."

Biggest Heart

I don't have the prettiest face for you to look at, I don't have the skinnest waiste for you to hold, but I promise I have the biggest heart to love you with..


I leanred a lot about love when I was heart broken...I learned a lot about being a friend when I am alone...

A Lesson From a Toothahe

A lesson leanred from a tooth ache. Even te sweetest things in life can hurt.

Lonely Nights

Here's to all the lonely nights I spend awake wiahibg you would come back

Your Everything

She wanted to be your everything. And you made her feel like nothing..


Waiting is easy. Do you know what is hard? Realizing the one you are waiting for isn't coming back.

Loves You

You know how to tell if he loves you? When your scream and he's calm. When you hit him, and he kisses you. When you cry and he cries too. When you tell him you hate him, and he says he loves you...

Your Past

I really don't care about your past. I just want to know if there is a place for me in your future...

How's Your Life?

Some one asked him "Hows your life?" He looked over at me and said, "I think SHE'S doing great" :)

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Nerd Moment

I had a total nerd day the other day:) But dannnggg was it fun. Just trying to fit everything in :( school starts a week from today! Anyway:)) I have a new game!!! Bahahaha First off you have to have a group of over four people who know whats going on, Other wise trust me, you'll just look stupid;) I may or may not know from expierence.
Anyway when your out with you're friends, at a random time put your hand to your ear like you're talking on a bluetooth. Wait for some else to notice, and then they put their hand to their ear. It goes on until there is the last person who hasn't notice yet. Then all the people with their hands on their ear yell: "Mr.Preisident! Get down!" And then you throw yourself in front of the "President" :) Its called secruity guard. Haha trust me it is sooo much more fun then it sounds!! You just have to be willing to act stupid in public! (But thats half the fun!)
-_- I lost.


I just have to take a minute to share with everyone that my fish Aljehandro has been alive for SIX MONTHS!!!! Do you know how long that is for me and fish??? :)

Crayon box

There is a fine line between wearing a lot of make up, and looking like a crayola box exploded on you..


Warning: The reflection you see in the mirror may be distorted by a socially construction version of "beauty"...

Don't like you

Girls pretend they don't like you when really, they do. Guys act like they like you when they really dont...

Like a Joke

Treat me like a joke and I'll leave you like its funny

Think The Lowest

I'm not even going to get mad anymore...I'll just start to expect the lowest from people I love the most

Biggest Mistake

The biggest mistake a girl can make is thinking that a boy who broke her heart won't do it again....

Second Chances

I believe in second chances...I just don't believe everyone deserves them...

Broken xBox

He broke my best friend's heart. So I broke his xBox. I think we all know who cried harder;)

Beautiful People

Beautiful girls aren't always good hearted...But good hearted girls are always beautiful


The Problem

The problem with girls is that they hold on too long...the problem with boys is they give up to quickly...


An apology should consist of three things. 1.I'm sorry. 2.Will you forgive me? 3.What can I do to make it right?


Boys will break your heart...real men will put it back together...