
Tuesday, September 25, 2012


hahah, found this online, thought I would try it:) Here are my answers! 

Name 13 People off the top of your head: 
1. Liam
2. Alivia
3. Lesley
4. Ally
5. Eva
6. Garrett
7. Marie
8. Kim
9. Lindsey 
10. Abbie
11. Taryn 
12. Jensen 
13. Dani 

How did you meet number 12?
Ummm, we have known eachother so long, :) I forgot

Would 11 and 2 make a good couple? 
LMAO!!!!! Ummmmmmm, not sure how to answer that one, 

Have you ever seen 4 cry?

Is 5 cute? 
Ohhh,, haha, Eva is just adorable;)

Something about number three?
She's my country gurll :) 

What would you do if number 6 confessed he/she liked you?
He's like my best guy friend. I would say nooooo wayyyy (Don't take that personally Garrett)

Fact about 8:
She talks really loud :)

Would you ever live with number 9?
Heck Yeah I would!!! Lindsey and I would be great roomies :)

Worst thing about number 10:
Well, she's my sister, so just in case mom sees this, Nothing!!! She's an angel!!! (cough cough, borrows my clothes and doesn't give them back) :)

Who's going out with number 13? 
Uhh, a guy:) Not sure on the name

What do you think about number one?
Well this is acko taco....I prefer not to answer that one :D 

Who's your favorite guy on the list?
Well, there are only two guys on the list, and one is a totally jack@$$, sooo, Garrett! 

Hahahahhahaha, well that was fun....and awkward:)


  1. I talk SUPER loud. not just loud(;

  2. me and livvypooh would not be okay(;

  3. ahha I just saw this randomly and saw my name on here(: haha I feel so blessed to be your number five ellie<3 and thankss for calling me adorbs but you're offly gorgeous yourself(:
