
Thursday, April 26, 2012


Ok, so last night I posted something about drama.
The drama is still not better, and people are still getting hurt. 
I understand, everyone is mad, and I am not asking you to be happy, 
Just be civil, 
Be open minded, 
and forgive and forget.
With love,


  1. Problem is no one knows how to forgive.

    1. Liv, all you can do at this point is just be kind and happy. Because the more you think about it, the more it is going to put you down. and I don't want to see you like that AT ALL. you and bigger and stronger than that:) and you can admit to the world that you made a mistake...(the other girl can't) ____you should know who..

  2. ya.. i admitted it.. look where that brought me, sometimes i wonder why do i even try? like seriously? there is NOTHING else positive.. i know what i did wrong, i TRIED saying something to her bout obviously there is no way of being opened minded.

    1. Yeah. You're right. It was a mistake. But I didn't even know about the whole locker room thing until AFTER you apologize.. So you can't blame everything at me. It makes me feel better that you came up and apologized and admitted your mistake..Even though I was really mad. Maybe it hurts that I won't forgive you.. But think about it..It hurts coming from you because I thought we were best friends. And if you guys wanna talk about it, knock yourself's out..But maybe you should be careful what you post on the internet. I can read you know...
